All Sacred & Secret Ancient Teachings Of The Divine Feminine Revealed
GODDESS - All Sacred & Secret Ancient Teachings Of The Divine Feminine Revealed is an online training program that focuses on Ancient Goddess Teachings, Sacred Feminine Initiations and Inner Priestess Exploration. 

If you are looking to learn sacred and secret long lost teachings of the divine feminine and be equipped with the right tools to integrate them in your daily life to unleash the Goddess that hides within, this extensive course was created for you!
It is said that we entered the Age Of Aquarius in 2012. The Age of Aquarius isn’t part of astronomy. It’s an astrological age, which occurs roughly every 2,150 years. For the past two millenniums we were in the Age Of Pisces which is where the symbol of the Fish comes from and it is believed that Jesus was sent as a peace messenger during that time right after the Age Of Aries, also known as the Bloodshed milleniums due to the wave of wars and conquests that occurred during that time.

As we started to enter the Age of Aquarius, many of us have felt it/heard it… Have you?

The call of the Goddess that is. She has spoken to us and many of us have listened. Her return has been prophesied and the Age Of Aquarius, only if humanity is ready, will bring back the divine feminine.

For almost a decade now, I’ve been obsessively studying the Goddess. Her story, her many faces and her future. This program is more than a program. It’s a revolution. Welcome to THE GODDESS!
In 2013 my passion for ancient mysteries began. Ever since, I've been studying anthropology and archeology to understand the origins of the Goddess. This course is based on facts and true findings that acclaimed scholars have published. In the Goddess program, you'll get a fact-based historical timeline of events.
You'll learn about ancient sacred rituals that were performed thousands of years ago, in matriarchal times, all across the globe. Rituals that have been forgotten or should I say forbidden by patriarchy, because of their great powers!
We've created a complete Goddess Encyclopedia where you'll discover over 100 deities, not only the ones most people know about, from Greek and Roman mythology but also from the lost civilizations of the Aztec, African, Norse, Egyptian, Chinese, etc.
You'll learn the powerful secrets of the Chalice, Mary Magdalene, Sacred Sites, Wheel of the Year and many other kept treasures that organized religions don't want you to know about.

Goddess Timeline

Spread through several regions such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, Old Europe, all the way to the present day Black Madonnas, the Goddess timeline covers over 30,000 years of fascinating history.

This first masterclass of the GODDESS program will introduce you to 32,000 years of captivating Goddess history.

Goddesses Encyclopedia

Most of us are familiar with the Gods and Goddesses of Greek and Roman mythology, such as Aphrodite (Venus in Roman mythology), Artemis (Diana in Roman mythology), Athena (Minerva in Roman mythology), and many others. But before these well known deities came to be, there were other Goddesses that people worshipped and revered to.
Isis, Gaia, Ishtar, among others were the first Goddesses to be worshipped by both men and women. 

In this second masterclass of the program, you will be introduced to every Goddess in history and their roles and meaning.

Myths and Legends

Did you know that Adam had a wife before Eve? Or why Cinderella's glass slipper was so important to the Prince? Or why "mama" is a word understood in nearly all languages? Or even where the legend of a cat's nine lives comes from?

In this third masterclass, we will dive into the most important myths and legends of the divine feminine and what they all truly mean.

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene was considered by the apostle John to be the founder of Christianity because she was the first witness to the Resurrection. However, many only perceive Mary Magdalene as a prostitute like the patriarchal religion painted her to be.

In this fourth masterclass, we will dive deep into the prophet Mary Magdalene’s story and the role she played in Jesus’s life.

Sublime Union

Straight from Book One of The Magdalene teachings, which have remained largely hidden for centuries, this module will teach you how to embody the union of the Divine Feminine and Masculine through sacred sexuality.

This firth masterclass will bring you not only knowledge but also a greater fulfillment in your love life by uniting intimacy and spirituality.

The Seasons & Elements

The seasons, the elements and nature have often been negatively associated with what patriarchy calls “witches”. You perhaps have seen in books, shows and/or movies, old scary women portrayed as mean and evil witches that live secluded in the woods and work with the elements.

These women that have been portrayed so negatively used to be the healers, the sage women, the priestesses of the times. They understood the power of the seasons, elements and nature. 

In this sixth masterclass you will learn about the 8 elements, the sacred wheel of the year and how to use the power of the seasons in your life.

Cycles of Mother Moon

The connexion between women and the moon has been well-known and respected for several eras and in various civilizations. It is only in the recently centuries that we’ve lost, or should I say, repressed this sacred knowledge from the world.

This seventh masterclass will guide you through the phases of the moon and how you can flow with them.

Age & Wisdom

In the patriarchal world we live in today, aging, particularly in women, is often seen as a slow degradation of a person’s value. There was a time however, where the place of older women in ancient matriarchal societies was honoured and respected.

This eight masterclass of the GODDESS program will teach you how to grow wiser, instead of older, and view age as a symbol of self-value, power, and respect.

Sacred Sites & Findings

Most Goddess worshipping temples and evidence of there ever being matriarchal societies was destroyed by patriarchal religions. But thanks to the work of several scholars who have dedicated their lives to uncovering the secrets of our past, we recently have gathered sacred findings and discovered sites around the world that still hold the secrets of the Goddess.

In this ninth masterclass of the GODDESS program, we will analyze some of the most important Goddess findings and do a virtual tour of the sacred feminine sites that still exist around the world.

Sacred Objects, Symbols & Geometry

From the Sri Yantra’s secret powers, to the meaning of the Medusa, and the reason why cauldron’s have been associated with witches for so long, this tenth masterclass of the program GODDESS will shed the light on the hidden and esoteric meaning of many sacred objects and symbols.

We will also explore sacred geometry and how to use it in your surroundings to vibrate at higher frequencies.

Divine Secret Feminine Rituals

From cleansing your womb from your past sexual partners’s energy, to the attracting and keeping money Tibetan dance, to the cacao elixir heart activation. 

This eleventh masterclass of the GODDESS program will teach you the most powerful divine feminine rituals that will help you unleash the Goddess that is within you.

Daily Goddess Practices Revealed

Embodying the Goddess is a daily work. It is beyond rituals and habits, it’s a lifestyle. 

This twelfth and last masterclass of the GODDESS program, will teach you how to embody the Goddess in your every day life to always be connected with the divine feminine energy within you.
The 2.0 version of the GODDESS program was done LIVE and recorded. Upon enrollment, you get full access to our member's platform where you'll find all lessons of the program (over 15 hours of content). You'll also receive your resources and worksheets so that you can start unleashing the Goddess within TODAY!
 Complete MODULE 1 - Goddess Timeline (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 2 - Goddesses Encyclopedia (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 3 - Myths and Legends (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 4 - Mary Magdalene (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 5 - Sublime Union (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 6 - The Seasons & Elements (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 7 - Cycles of Mother Moon (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 8 - Age & Wisdom (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 9 - Sacred Sites & Findings (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 10 - Sacred Objects, Symbols & Geometry (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 11 - Divine Feminine Rituals (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 12 - Daily Goddess Practices (Value of $700)
 The HerStory Timeline Calendar (downloadable) (Value of $300)
 The Goddess Encyclopedia (downloadable) (Value of $400)
 The Sacred Calendar (downloadable) (Value of $300)
You can choose to study Goddess live with us or watch the recordings afterwards. We give you the strategies, tools and resources and you put them in action when you feel ready.
As humans we are visual, auditory and kinaesthetic which is why all of our programs are multimedia. You will get access to audios, live videos, as well as downloadable and printable PDF worksheets.
The program in its entirety is yours to keep for life! We understand learning is a process and a journey, therefore we make sure our students have lifetime access to all courses.


Alexandra Villarroel Abrego is a businesswoman, bestselling author, international speaker and award-winning life coach.

She is the founder of A.V.A. Enterprises, a multimedia platform production and coaching company focused on educating, inspiring and empowering people to create and reach their highest potential. A.V.A. Enterprises develops and produces premium and purposeful content across film, television, digital spaces and beyond, in a variety of genres and formats.

In 2010, Alexandra released her very first book Beyond Beauty: A Guide To Self-Love, Confidence and Full Feminine Power, which went on to become a #1 bestseller.
Two years later, at the age of only 22 years old, Alexandra was chosen as the Canadian national role model for the Ministry of Immigration and Cultural Communities of Quebec, in collaboration with the Montreal Hooked on School organization. That honour launched her career as a motivational speaker. She was invited to give conferences in high schools across the province of Quebec.

Since then, she has also been on an international speaking circuit, giving conferences in three languages (French, English and Spanish) to large crowds around the world, especially for her long anticipated world tour Full Feminine Power Now.

In 2016, YouTube announced its first-ever class of YouTube NextUp Canada creators. Alexandra was chosen as one of the 15 creators that YouTube believes will be Canada’s next big online video stars.
Through her production company, coaching empire, live conferences and books, Alexandra, has become a respected leader in the coaching and self-improvement industry and is quickly becoming the new role model of this generation of women.


At A.V.A. Enterprises, we like to celebrate our students!

Few are those who choose to invest in themselves, in their future and in their dreams!

If you're here, it is not a coincidence. It is certain destiny. Life has brought you here for a reason and the reason is to make this world a better place.

At A.V.A. Enterprises we teach our students worldwide to live their greatest lives possible, and by doing so, lift the lives of those around them in an ever-widening circle of world-wide enlightenment.

When you invest in our programs, you're investing in yourself and to always remind of this and reward you for this, we created two amazing concepts...

The A.V.A. Passport and A.V.A. Trophy are two gifts (completely free!) that you receive once you enroll to some of our online programs.

The A.V.A. Passport is a reward you get when you enroll to the program on the first level of the A.V.A. Pyramid. Afterwards, each time you invest in one of our courses, you receive, by mail, a sticker/stamp which goes on one of the pages of the passport (the page that represents the program which you’ve enrolled to).

Once your A.V.A. Passport is filled with stamps, you get invited to an all-paid dream vacation/convention week packed with lively business and life coaching workshops, special conferences by guest speakers​ and a whole lotta fun while you learn and grow, with me, my team and other privileged A.V.A. Students.

The A.V.A. Pioneer Trophy is a gift you get when you enroll to two programs (one on each side of the A.V.A. Pyramid). This gift is available only for a limited time to reward our A.V.A. Pioneers who have been with us before the official launches of our A.V.A Programs.

The purpose of these rewards is to incentivize YOU to climb up through all the levels of the A.V.A. Pyramid and reach it's pinnacle, the top, which is synonymous to ENLIGHTENMENT.
Read This Before 
You Leave...
From Alexandra Villarroel Abrego
Founder and CEO at A.V.A. Enterprises
So here you are, on the edge of your new life...

I know how it feels. In 2009, I was there too. I know first hand the power of deciding to re-create your reality. Even though it isn't always easy at first, I can tell you that the journey will be worth it. But before you MUST be ready! Ready and committed to invest, learn and GROW!

If you choose to undertake the greatest journey of them all, one of self-realization, I am committed to be there by your side, each step of the way.

So sign up now and let your RISE begin!

 Complete MODULE 1 - Goddess Timeline (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 2 - Goddesses Encyclopedia (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 3 - Myths and Legends (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 4 - Mary Magdalene (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 5 - Sublime Union (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 6 - The Seasons & Elements (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 7 - Cycles of Mother Moon (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 8 - Age & Wisdom (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 9 - Sacred Sites & Findings (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 10 - Sacred Objects, Symbols & Geometry (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 11 - Divine Feminine Rituals (Value of $700)
 Complete MODULE 12 - Daily Goddess Practices (Value of $700)
 The HerStory Timeline Calendar (downloadable) (Value of $300)
 The Goddess Encyclopedia (downloadable) (Value of $400)
 The Sacred Calendar (downloadable) (Value of $300)
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