Mastering The Art Of Attracting & Keeping Real Love In Your Life
Love is our natural state, our true essence...

When we are born, all we feel is love. We do not know pain, fear, resentment, competition, jealousy, bitterness or grief. All these negative feelings and emotions are taught to us as we grow up.

For many people, romantic relationships are the most important aspect of their lives. It's not their career, their money, their personal growth or even their health. Why? Because romantic relationships make us feel the energy of love the most, and love is the highest frequency and most intense feeling that a human being can experience.
The problem is that most romantic relationships today are based on fear, and not love. The fear of being left behind, the fear of being deceived, the fear of being alone and the list goes on. Too often, we believe that we are in love, but in fact we are "in fear.”

So what is real love? 
Where do you find real love? 
How do you keep real love?

HEART MASTERY is an online training program created to teach you proven principles and practices for loving life, others and yourself.
The three main pillars of the Heart Mastery program will teach you proven principles and practices to accept and love yourself unconditionally, apply the Law of Attraction to improve your current relationship or to attract the perfect partner for you, become an expert at what makes your partner feel loved and so much more!
The Heart Chakra resonates with the Frequency of 341Hz, and listening to music and sounds that contain this frequency has positive effects in restoring the balance in the Heart Chakra and opening the energy blockages. These three 20-minute audios will help you do just that.
When you enroll to the Heart Mastery program you receive a magical workbook filled with self-care and self-love rituals for special occasions or simply for your every day life.
What you put into your body is important and it can cause your chakras to either open, or close. This is why we've created the NO BS Self-Love Nutritious and Delicious Plan! 20 pages of delicious and nutritious self-love recipes.



Self-love is one of the most important topics I teach. Without a strong sense of self-love, it is impossible to reach your full potential and create the life you dream of.  

For over a decade now, I’ve been teaching women around the world how to truly fall and stay in love with themselves. When I used to do my one-on-one coaching, it would take months to teach my students the ins and outs of self-love and how to attain an unshakable level of self-esteem.

After working for years as a life coach, and coaching thousands of women worldwide, I’ve refined my system, and decided to bundle this successful and proven process into a life-changing home-study course so you can experience the same powerful transformation in a fraction of the time.

Nowadays, everyone talks about how important self-love is but no one is actually teaching step-by-step how you can go from not liking, not caring, not catering, not valuing and not respecting yourself, to falling passionately and madly in love with YOU.

I always say that self-love is a process and something that you have to do every day. Think about it, if you fall in love with a person, you have to continue to nurture that love and everyday show them that you love them through acts of kindness and care. If you don’t, eventually the relationship will fail. Or to give you an even better idea of self-love, think of a garden, you plant it, you water it, you nurture it, it grows and blossoms but you can't just stop catering to it because it has now come into full fruition. Every day you have to nurture it and give it your love. This is what you have to do with yourself.



Compassion, unconditional love, understanding and connection are just some of the topics you will learn to master during the second pillar of this program.

Loving others is something most people don’t know how to do. People “love” but with conditions, with restrictions and with their guards up. Most people go through life without truly opening their hearts and letting others in.

When you truly love others you accept them as they are, without manipulation, without wanting to change them or control them. You fully accept them as they are and love them for it.

During this second pillar you will master opening your heart centre to receive and give love unconditionally.



The final pillar of the program is about loving life and living in the energy of love. 

When your heart is filled with gratitude, joy and LOVE for life, you become a magnet for love and people.

I’m sure you’ve experienced this in the past… When you’re the most happy being single and doing things that you love every day, that’s when someone shows up in your life. As they say, you find when you aren't looking. And this is not a coincidence. It is because you are loving your life and therefore life loves you back!

You will learn throughout this pillar many techniques and hacks to stay in joy and everyday experience the energy of love in your heart whether you have someone in your life or not.
During this complete program you will learn how to:

- Accept and love your body, mind and soul unconditionally
- Apply the Law of Attraction to improve your current relationship or to attract the perfect partner for you
- Get your partner to commit without manipulation or game-playing
- Create and maintain a healthy, loving and happy relationship
- Use morning and evening rituals to stay connected to your love
- ​Learn how to control and eliminate fearful thoughts and insecurities that may ruin your relationship
- Become an expert on what makes your partner feel loved and passionate about you
The new version of the HEART MASTERY program will start happening live next month! This is the first and LAST time you get to participate to the program in this LIVE format (via Zoom)! Don't miss out on your opportunity to exchange energies with Alexandra and all the other students from around the world!
 All eight HEART MASTERY modules which were created to teach you proven principles and practices for loving life, others and yourself (Valued At $8,000)
 Module 1 - Learn how to accept and love your body, mind and soul unconditionally (Valued At $1000)
 Module 2 - Apply the Law of Attraction to improve your current relationship or to attract the perfect partner for you (Valued At $1000)
 Module 3 - ​Get your partner to commit without manipulation or game-playing (Valued At $1000)
 Module 4 - ​Create and maintain a healthy, loving and happy relationship (Valued At $1000)
 Module 5 - ​​Use morning and evening rituals to stay connected to your love (Valued At $1000)
 Module 6 - ​​​Learn how to control and eliminate fearful thoughts and insecurities that may ruin your relationship (Valued At $1000)
 Module 7 - ​​​​Become an expert on what makes your partner feel loved and passionate about you (Valued At $1000)
 Module 8 - ​​​​Tune into the energy of love and stay connected with it, no matter what happens in the external world (Valued At $1000)
 Three powerful audio learning programs teaching you the LOVE basics and principals (Valued At $299)
 The Self-Love and Self-Care Rituals workbook (Valued At $400)
 The No-BS Self-Love Nutritious and Delicious Plan (Valued At $200)
 The Sacred LOVE Space Creation training (Valued At $1000)
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
You can choose to study Heart Mastery live with us or watch the recordings afterwards. We give you the strategies, tools and resources and you put them in action when you feel ready.
As humans we are visual, auditory and kinaesthetic which is why all of our programs are multimedia. You will get access to audios, videos, as well as downloadable and printable PDF worksheets.
The program in its entirety is yours to keep for life! We understand learning is a process and a journey, therefore we make sure our students have lifetime access to all courses.


Alexandra Villarroel Abrego is a businesswoman, bestselling author, international speaker and award-winning life coach.

She is the founder of A.V.A. Enterprises, a multimedia platform production and coaching company focused on educating, inspiring and empowering people to create and reach their highest potential. A.V.A. Enterprises develops and produces premium and purposeful content across film, television, digital spaces and beyond, in a variety of genres and formats.

In 2010, Alexandra released her very first book Beyond Beauty: A Guide To Self-Love, Confidence and Full Feminine Power, which went on to become a #1 bestseller.
Two years later, at the age of only 22 years old, Alexandra was chosen as the Canadian national role model for the Ministry of Immigration and Cultural Communities of Quebec, in collaboration with the Montreal Hooked on School organization. That honour launched her career as a motivational speaker. She was invited to give conferences in high schools across the province of Quebec.

Since then, she has also been on an international speaking circuit, giving conferences in three languages (French, English and Spanish) to large crowds around the world, especially for her long anticipated world tour Full Feminine Power Now.

In 2016, YouTube announced its first-ever class of YouTube NextUp Canada creators. Alexandra was chosen as one of the 15 creators that YouTube believes will be Canada’s next big online video stars.
Through her production company, coaching empire, live conferences and books, Alexandra, has become a respected leader in the coaching and self-improvement industry and is quickly becoming the new role model of this generation of women.


At A.V.A. Enterprises, we like to celebrate our students!

Few are those who choose to invest in themselves, in their future and in their dreams!

If you're here, it is not a coincidence. It is certain destiny. Life has brought you here for a reason and the reason is to make this world a better place.

At A.V.A. Enterprises we teach our students worldwide to live their greatest lives possible, and by doing so, lift the lives of those around them in an ever-widening circle of world-wide enlightenment.

When you invest in our programs, you're investing in yourself and to always remind of this and reward you for this, we created two amazing concepts...

The A.V.A. Passport and A.V.A. Trophy are two gifts (completely free!) that you receive once you enroll to some of our online programs.

The A.V.A. Passport is a reward you get when you enroll to the program on the first level of the A.V.A. Pyramid. Afterwards, each time you invest in one of our courses, you receive, by mail, a sticker/stamp which goes on one of the pages of the passport (the page that represents the program which you’ve enrolled to).

Once your A.V.A. Passport is filled with stamps, you get invited to an all-paid dream vacation/convention week packed with lively business and life coaching workshops, special conferences by guest speakers​ and a whole lotta fun while you learn and grow, with me, my team and other privileged A.V.A. Students.

The A.V.A. Pioneer Trophy is a gift you get when you enroll to two programs (one on each side of the A.V.A. Pyramid). This gift is available only for a limited time to reward our A.V.A. Pioneers who have been with us before the official launches of our A.V.A Programs.

The purpose of these rewards is to incentivize YOU to climb up through all the levels of the A.V.A. Pyramid and reach it's pinnacle, the top, which is synonymous to ENLIGHTENMENT.
Read This Before 
You Leave...
From Alexandra Villarroel Abrego
Founder and CEO at A.V.A. Enterprises
So here you are, on the edge of your new life...

I know how it feels. In 2009, I was there too. I know first hand the power of deciding to re-create your reality. Even though it isn't always easy at first, I can tell you that the journey will be worth it. But before you MUST be ready! Ready and committed to invest, learn and GROW!

If you choose to undertake the greatest journey of them all, one of self-realization, I am committed to be there by your side, each step of the way.

So sign up now and let your RISE begin!

 All eight HEART MASTERY modules which were created to teach you proven principles and practices for loving life, others and yourself (Valued At $8,000)
 Module 1 - Learn how to accept and love your body, mind and soul unconditionally (Valued At $1000)
 Module 2 - Apply the Law of Attraction to improve your current relationship or to attract the perfect partner for you (Valued At $1000)
 Module 3 - ​Get your partner to commit without manipulation or game-playing (Valued At $1000)
 Module 4 - ​Create and maintain a healthy, loving and happy relationship (Valued At $1000)
 Module 5 - ​​Use morning and evening rituals to stay connected to your love (Valued At $1000)
 Module 6 - ​​​Learn how to control and eliminate fearful thoughts and insecurities that may ruin your relationship (Valued At $1000)
 Module 7 - ​​​​Become an expert on what makes your partner feel loved and passionate about you (Valued At $1000)
 Module 8 - ​​​​Tune into the energy of love and stay connected with it, no matter what happens in the external world (Valued At $1000)
 Three powerful audio learning programs teaching you the LOVE basics and principals (Valued At $299)
 The Self-Love and Self-Care Rituals workbook (Valued At $400)
 The No-BS Self-Love Nutritious and Delicious Plan (Valued At $200)
 The Sacred LOVE Space Creation training (Valued At $1000)
Copyright © 2020 A.V.A. COACHING - A Division of A.V.A. ENTERPRISES. All Rights Reserved.