Welcome To The School Of Freedom 2.0

Our mission is to help you achieve total freedom in the modern world we live in today

You truly deserve to live a life full of freedom, abundance and peace of mind, and we are committed to showing every single step you must take in order to get there.

The School Of Freedom 2.0 doesn’t only focus on teaching you how to build a life of freedom but also, maintain it and multiply it. At The School Of Freedom 2.0 you will learn how to start a profitable business in this new economy and grow it exponentially to a point where you’re making money even while you sleep.

Not only that, but you will also learn how to build an international plan to diversify and protect your assets. The new teachings inside the 2.0 version of The School Of Freedom will give you an unprecedented level of global freedom, one like you’ve never experienced before.

What Is The School Of Freedom 2.o

The School Of Freedom 2.0 was made for new or seasoned entrepreneurs, coaches, experts, thought leaders, authors, consultants, influencers, content creators, e-commerce biz owners… And simply anyone who wants to create a life of freedom by doing what they love.

This online school is divided into seven fundamental learning modules combined with a vast library of complementary courses, masterclasses and quality learning material. 

When you invest in The School Of Freedom 2.0, you get an all-encompassing program that provides you with everything you need to achieve real freedom in today’s modern world. 

Below you will find the curriculum outline of every module so you can have a better and clearer idea of what you will learn inside our online school.

The Seven Freedom Modules

Inner freedom and liberation are the first steps to take in order to live a life of total freedom. Everything that happens inside yourself is reflected in your external world, so if there’s a lack of freedom within, you won’t be able to manifest financial, professional, time or location freedom without.

The first module of The School of Freedom 2.0 will teach you how to free yourself from your old limiting beliefs and old negative paradigms and then, replace them with a mentality of freedom and abundance. 

You will learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind and build the habits, beliefs and mentality needed to experience a life of unlimited freedom.
The process of creating and building a successful freedom business is truly an art. From starting the project from scratch, to developing it’s first products or services, to organizing your first official launch - every step of the way requires genius and mastery.

Besides the creation part, there’s also the importance of setting a long-term vision. Without a vision, it's very difficult to build a plan because if you don't know your destination, you can't trace a secure path.

In this module, you will define your mission, clarify your vision and establish your strategy through the creation of a modern business plan. 
The old model of entrepreneurship no longer exists. We now live in the information and especially, attention economy.

If you understand this truth and use it to your advantage, you will experience unfathomable levels of abundance and freedom in your life.

The third module of The School of Freedom 2.0 will teach you exactly how to attract the eyes and ears of your potential customers, sponsors or even investors. Always remember that money goes where attention flows.
Selling is both an art and a science. They say that the #1 money-making skill anyone should have is selling, in other words, converting prospects into clients.

Besides teaching you the psychology and anatomy of the sale, we will also be teaching you what are the best approaches and ways to convert in this new world - we’re talking: funnels, sales pages, email sequences, social media ads, influencer marketing and sophisticated launches. 

We will also be diving into more traditional ways of converting such as cold calling, networking and of course, referrals.

Module 4 of The School of Freedom 2.0 is packed with proven and powerful strategies for high conversion rates.
Diversification, in simple terms, is a method used to protect you from unnecessary risk. You will never attain true freedom unless you diversify and protect your business and all of your assets.

The fifth module of The School of Freedom 2.0 will reveal you secrets that only the 1% knows. The secrets and strategies that have been used for centuries by the richest families in the world to maintain and protect their wealth.
The compound effect is the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of actions and choices. Once you create, attract, convert and diversify, you’re now fully ready to Multiply.

The sixth module of The School of Freedom 2.0 will teach you how to multiply your streams of income, your clientele, your contracts, and your freedom overall. 

We will also be diving into delegating and how to carefully hire your ‘dream team’ members, which is an inevitable step when it comes to multiplying.
How can one stay on top for years or even decades? What are the careful steps that must be taken to dominate in the long-term and stay relevant in a world that is constantly changing?

The key to domination is reinvention. To constantly reinvent yourself, your business and innovate at high levels.

The final module of The School of Freedom 2.0 will teach you how to dominate your industry and secure your spot at the top.

How And When Will You Learn

The School of Freedom 2.0 is a 9-week online training program. You’ll get access to one module per week over the course of the nine week program.

After Module 3 and 6, you will get each time, a one week break in order to catch up and implement the new information that you have learned. It’s very important to complete all the lessons in sequential oder and not skip any. 

The School of Freedom 2.0 curriculum has been designed to facilitate your learning and growth experience, but you must follow the sequence. 

Once you’re in The School of Freedom, you get a lifetime access to the program. This means that you can revisit the lessons and access the resources whenever you want.

Your One-Time Investment

The 7 complete modules of The School of Freedom 2.0

Each module contains several training videos (between 3 to 5 video lessons), downloadable documents, guides, action plans, MP3s, transcripts and much more. Alexandra has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn these powerful secrets and strategies that will free you from what many people call: the matrix.
(Value of $7,000)

The FREEDOM workbook

A downloadable exercise book made of 7 volumes, each created by Alexandra to help you follow the video lessons but also take action, stay on track and learn more effectively. Inside of these guides, you will find the best funnels and copy templates, ready-to-use documents and many other tools of great value.
(Value of $100)

LIVE with Alexandra

The 2.0 version of The School of Freedom will be happening live via Zoom starting Monday, June 19th 2023. This is the first and LAST time we’re doing the program live. If you enroll now, you will be able to interact live with Alexandra and all the other students every single week as soon as the program begins. The live lessons will also be recorded, meaning that you can watch them afterwards, if you happen to miss a live broadcast.
(Value of $5,000)

A multitude of bonus masterclasses

Specialized masterclasses in different themes that will give you a level of in-depth knowledge in subjects such as: The Art of Public Speaking, Gaining a Confidence of Steel, Anti-Procrastination 101, and much more.
(Value of $2,000)


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Is It Right For You?

The School of Freedom 2.0 isn’t right for everyone. This online school was created and designed only for those who are READY. Ready to make major changes in their lives and achieve the financial, emotional, professional and even spiritual freedom they desire. 

If a prisoner doesn’t want to leave jail and is comfortable where he’s at because he gets just the bare minimum (food, water and shelter), he cannot be forced to leave and seek a better life. 

So if you are comfortable where you are and are unwilling to step out of your comfort zone to create a life filled with true freedom - the life you actually deserve, maybe The School of Freedom 2.0 isn’t for you.

However, if you feel ready to spread your wings and fly, this unprecedented school will definitely teach you everything you need to know about reaching total and true freedom.

13 Years

I’ve been doing this work for 13 years. I started my business in 2010, when I was just 20 years old. 

I had no experience, no connexions and no money. I was actually over $20,000 in credit card debt at the time, working at a call center and living paycheck to paycheck.

Over the past 13 years, I went from not having $3 in my bank account to take public transportation, to now making over 3 million dollars a year. 

Today, I can honestly say that the best part of my journey is truly the longevity part of it. 

You see, being in business for 13 years teaches you some valuable lessons along the way… 

Everything from learning how to make your first 10k month, to eventually crossing the famous 6 figure mark, to afterwards hiring a team, to eventually deciding to expend globally, to making your first official million and to later on understanding about asset protection and diversification…

13 years in business is a lot and you learn so much along the way… Especially through failures and setbacks.  

And now, I want to teach you everything I’ve learned. So that you save yourself time, money and trust me, so many headaches!

On behalf of my team and I, we sincerely hope to have the honour and privilege of guiding you towards the life of total and true freedom that you deserve!


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